Baby Matthew's Portrait Session in Atlanta
Axley's One Year Session at the Garden Hills Park and Playground in Atlanta, GA
Time flies! Axley turned One this past fall. I took his portraits at a few weeks, and again at 6 months. Here he is at one year old.
Newborn Baby Roen in Decatur, GA
Another precious newborn. This time, the child of some life long friends!
Newborn Baby Thomas in Atlanta
Newborn Baby Session Courtney Goldman Photography Atlanta
Newborn Baby Session Courtney Goldman Photography Atlanta
There's nothing more precious than a newborn baby.
Newborn Baby Axley
Amy was my very best friend growing up. Most of my childhood memories involve her! She and I spent hours together at the pool all summer long. We were in ballet and brownies together and we even started a babysitting business together. I know (having spent so many nights watching the neighborhood kids together) that she is going to be an amazing mom! Baby Axley must have known too, because he surprised us all and came 4 weeks early; he just couldn't wait. He's a healthy and beautiful baby and I'm so happy for Amy and Scott to have started such a wonderful family.Here are some of my favorite photos from the session we did when he was about 5 weeks old.Amy's Aunt and Grandmother made this blanket, and I thought it was so cute. He's sleeping in a field of dasies!This is my favorite photo of the day. I can't pinpoint exactly why, but I just love it!Here he's totally relaxed in Mama's arms. Just chillin'Being this cute just isn't easy.Congratulations Amy and Scott!