Katie is a new/old friend of mine, or maybe an old/new friend - it depends on how you look at it!! I went to school with Katie from age 5-18. Though we didn't keep up for the last 10 + (yikes!) years, when she moved to Athens last summer we quickly became friends again! She has a beautiful family, as you can see. We did a photo session at The State Botanical Garden of Georgia and got these fun family photos. Enjoy!
William's Six Month Session at The Athens Botanical Gardens
William's Six Month session was about six month's ago! So I'm sure I'll be posting his 12 month session soon enough. It's worth not skpping, as he's as cute as can be. (Here he is as a newborn.) Enjoy!
Elliot's Family Portraits in Athens, Georgia
Last time you saw Elliot he was 6 months old - he's now 18 months and cuter than ever!
Daphne's Two Year Portrait Session in Athens, GA
I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos of Daphne from her Two Year Portrait Session this past fall. I can't believe how much she's grown just since last summer!
Baby Isabella Rose
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing the beautiful Isabella Rose at about 5 weeks old. Here are some of my favorites from the day.Isabella Rose was not thrilled with the pink tulle all around her, but it just looked so cute!Gotta love those tiny toes!www.CourtneyGoldman.com